Radko Ivanov Chapov was born on February 24, 1980 in Kaloyanovo / Bulgaria. Since his childhood he left a love for flowers. Later it grew even stronger and today he lives for this love and has made it a proffesion.
In 2003 he foundet his own Flowers shop in Sofia. After a few yaers of hard work and searching for challenges in the floristry industry, he made a big step in his life and in 2014 he moved to Germany.
There he continued his professional development and one year later he was noticed by the world-master in floristry, Klaus Wagener.
Radko worked in the BLOOM´s team over two years. During this time he won a first prize with his bouquet in “IPM-Messecup 2016”.
In 2017 BLOOM´s published the book “Floral Living” by him and Klaus Wagener.
Today Radko Chapov is a freelance Florist and the love to the flowers is bigger than ever.